Showing posts with label Candy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Candy. Show all posts

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss

March 2nd is Dr. Seuss' Birthday. Theodor Seuss Geisell (1904-1991) is one of the most well known authors, having penned and illustrated 44 books in his career. In the educational world his work is celebrated this week with an event called, Read Across America! My children's school is no exception... they go all out in making reading fun. The grand finale of the week's adventures is a day spent reading with parents, principals, and special community guests.

This year I will be reading one of my favorites, Green Eggs and Ham. Yep, the one with the little Sam I Am. (That guys holds a special little place in our hearts in this house.) Along with a great story, I shall be bringing treats to share with the kids!
Green Eggs and Ham!

The eggs are white chocolate and a green yolk made from one of the new green minty m&ms... I thinly sliced a lime fruit jelly to look like a slice of ham. Not perfect- but the kids will love it!

Some for everyone!

Each class will also be having a big of a party at the end of the day, so I had a WONDERFUL idea that I just had to play around with- Horton Hears A Who cupcakes!!! They came out exactly as I envisioned and cannot wait to share them with the kids.

Can you see the speck?!?

I made yellow/lemon cupcakes and stuffed them full of crazy colored sprinkles. Topped them with teal frosting and then placed a pink 'clover' flower from the story onto the top! The clover is actually a marshmallow, covered with pink frosting. The speck is a sugar dot.

48 Whotastic Clover Cupcakes, all with specks!

I am ever so excited to share them with the kids tomorrow- AND read the stories that I loved so much as a kid. Thank you, Dr. Seuss... you've made reading a special treat for me and my wonderful little people.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Counting Down the Days...

In a religious setting, the Advent Calendar begins on the first day of Advent, which changes from year to year based upon the liturgical calendar. It can begin as early as November 27th and as late as December 3rd. It celebrates the first four weekends prior to Christmas, the time of anticipation and preparation of the birth of Christ. This year, Advent began on November 29th.

Most commercial Advent Calendars forgo the change of date and begin on December 1st and last until December 24th. They are the most fun for small children and help them keep track of the time until Santa brings them presents. As a mother of young children, I understand that the holiday season can be a bit overwhelming for our smallest friends. They see the decorations and the anticipation of it all can be too much. It can also seem to drag on forever... though for us, it's gone in a blink of an eye.

Giving children something special and tangible is a great way to keep them eager, involved and moving along. We have a special Advent calendar that my father gave to our family just last year (we got to replace the cheap one I bought years ago.) It is special as it is the same calendar I used as a child and it brings back many memories. I always wanted to make my own, in my true fashion, but never did. I guess it was fate that we adopted this one instead.

I like to cut small pieces of paper and insert them into various dates throughout the month to let the kids see what is coming up, it helps break up the month and give them little things to look forward to as they wait for "the big day." I also create the ever so popular, Candy Chain. I pull out 24 baggies, or cut 24 squares of plastic wrap and fill it with chocolates. I have three kids, so each baggie/wrap gets 3 pieces (of the same thing, of course). I tie them to some ribbon and hang them up around the Advent Calendar. Each night, we get to cut off one of the baggies and eat the chocolates as we move our Christmas Mouse to the next day and discuss what is coming up next.

There are many possibilities to incorporate into the Advent Calendar idea... you can note songs, poems or biblical verses each night- incorporate a Jesse Tree into the idea and discuss biblical characters. The main idea is that our children become involved and are not just waiting for something so far off into the future that it becomes overwhelming... because too much stress really has a way of taking the fun out of the whole idea of it being, The most wonderful time of the year.