Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Great Picture Hanger Uppers

One of the great dilemmas in our house is what to do with our children's amazing artwork. The customary location to showcase a young-one's masterpiece, the fridge, does not work. First, the front of our refrigerator does not hold magnets and thus papers require tape. This is messy and problematic... small kids and tape are just not compatible. Also, mom has a problem covering the fridge with papers- the side is covered with photos and cards from our family members, but the front? A lot of cooking takes place in this kitchen and it NEEDS to be clean. Papers on the fridge are just asking to harbor germs! (I can't get past it, sorry.) Thus, we needed a place where kids could hang up their drawings and school projects.

I pondered the problem greatly. My first idea was to hang up a string in the hallway and let them use clothes pins to hold up their works. Allowing THEM the chance to hang up their projects was important. I worried about this plan, however, as a mother of boys... a supply of clothes pins hanging within their reach screams trouble.

Then, one day at Wal*Mart, I came across THIS new product:

Tape strips that can be used over and over and over again? It states on the package that if, for some reason, the strips lose their stick all you have to do is wash it and let it dry. Really!?!

Um, awesome!

I bought a pack and brought them home. The spoil-sport that I am did not rush right into sticking them on my walls and allowing kids to play with them, I read up on some reviews and learned that most people were really happy with the results. One person had a problem with some paint... but the overall reviews were positive.

Then, I had an idea of my own! Why not combine my first idea of using cloths pins AND the new awesome tape substance? That way the kids were not using the fancy sticky tape when/where ever they wanted (again, that could be expensive and dangerous with small children). However, If I were to 'permanently' stick the paper holding devices in various locations- the kids could hang up and change their displays at will. If needed, I could move the location in the future. Yay!

This is what we came up with:
You can see the 'tape' behind the pin.

Art work is hung!

A row of pins, to showcase all the art! (there is another row on the other side as well.)

So far, so good. The kids love having their pictures hung up. They LOVE being able to change them as they want and mom LOVES the fact that they are not falling off the fridge door and kids are not always searching for the tape stash. They just aren't old enough to work it. lol

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