Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Being Strong

One would assume that being told you are a 'strong person' would qualify as a compliment. However, most people may not realize that the sheer need to state this opinion implies that the person has to stand firm and press forward in life, even when they may not want to. Being a strong person is not something they want to be, but have to be. Thus, the idea is not a compliment but rather a reminder of the struggle.

Of course the words are said with support and best intentions and are to be taken with gratitude and love... it takes a strong person to accept it as such, and thus- brings us back to the original point. A hidden secret, at the point the person is being told they are strong- inside, they want to cry.

Strong people are weak as well. They cry, they need and they want. Understanding your weakness and knowing how to work around it is what gives the appearance of being strong and courageous. Knowing that there are people with struggles bigger and scarier than your own puts life into perspective, and no matter how much you might want to crawl away and hide- life has to move forward. Hiding from life only diminishes the more difficult struggles others have to face. If they can walk forward and live each day, there is no reason why we cannot either.

Faith in oneself and in ones life is what really makes a difference. Understanding that no matter what struggles lay in front of you- there is something and/or someone there to walk towards. Some people choose religion, others choose a goal or a cause- to give their life a purpose with meaning. Still others put their faith in others, special someone(s) that give life its purpose and meaning.

Whether it is one special someone or 4 perfect people... those special people make life worth living. They make every day worth getting up for, though albeit slowly. They make feeling tired and sick manageable. Their faces, their arms and their love is what makes the world go 'round. The sun rises and falls every day on their beings... and when they are not close by, the hold they leave behind seems endless. It doesn't matter if they are gone for minutes or weeks, when you build your life's purpose around them- it becomes off kilter when your world is not whole. It's a dangerous system for someone who is pretending to be strong- but worth it.

Every minute of every day is worth it when it revolves around them. And no matter the difficulty and no matter the struggle, ensuring their world is how it should be- makes whatever test is offered a simple one. And a happy one. Pretending to be strong and graciously accepting the compliment has meaning. The secret is tucked away where it should be. The smile is reapplied and one foot moves in front of the other... happiness is found when you look for it. Struggles are an every day thing, as is happiness. There is only room for one to be the leader.


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